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Turn any walk into a charity fundraiser with the trundl app

By November 21, 2023November 6th, 2024news & updates
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Turn any walk into a charity fundraiser with the trundl app

trundl is a walking for charity fundraising app, supporting some of the UK’s most hardworking outdoor and mobility related charities. All with the help of our lovely membership community and brand partners.

There’s no question that most people are having to make every penny count this year. And our hard-working charities are no different. Unfortunately, inflation and falling income has left many charities in difficulty. To give you a bit of an idea – in 2022, only 35% of charities were feeling anxious about whether they would be able to continue their work. This year, that figure is more than 50%.

There are of course many businesses who support charities close to their hearts by committing to CSR partnerships (Corporate Social Responsibility). But if we as individuals also team-up together, there is more that we can all do.  And our aim is to make that easy, simply by joining trundl and going out walking.

For those new to trundl, it’s a non-competitive walking app that tracks your steps and keeps a record of your kilometre coverage.  When we hit our community target for each charity walk, we donate to the respective charities from the 30% of income that we reserve for donations.  This can be topped up by generous additional funding from brand partners.

So, who have we been helping so far thanks to the fabulous walking efforts of our members and how else do they fundraise?

Fundraising examples by some of trundl’s charity partners

  • National Parks. You might be surprised to learn that our 15 lovely National Parks are carefully looked after by teams of volunteers as well as qualified conservationists. While the Parks do have access to government funding, there are still huge gaps that need to be filled. Thankfully, they do benefit from corporate partnerships.  BMW, Revere, Palladium are just some examples. They also inspire personal fundraising efforts like those undertaken by Jenny Lowthrop – Peak District – as well as ongoing regular funding through us at trundl
  • Dogs for Autism. This is a charity that trains assistance dogs to improve the lives and wellbeing of those with autism and their families. In addition to their ongoing partnerships, Dogs for Autism has been fortunate to benefit from headline-grabbing support. Like being selected for last year’s Jingle Jam and being adopted as a charity by VW Owners club. This latter not only raised over £80k for them, but also came together to do a ‘big build’ on their new training centre. They get ongoing regular funding from partners like trundl, and are sponsored by OSCAR Petfoods, who supply nutritional needs for puppies in training.
  • MOVE Cancer Charity. MOVE supports those who have been diagnosed with cancer, and their families, to get active and safeguard their wellbeing. Fundraising for the charity takes many forms, including donations, hosted events and personal event sponsorship such as London Marathon, The Great North Run and The 3 Peaks Challenge. They also receive support from corporate partners, plus the ongoing donations from smaller partners like trundl.

As you can see, supportive partnerships are incredibly valuable to our UK charities. A little bit definitely goes a long way. So, while the economy is tough, year-round fundraising efforts like trundl allow them to make plans for the future, knowing they are supported.

If you would like to find out more information about our charity partners and how you can enjoy trundl in your routine, please do take a look around the site or get in touch at