Sussex Wildlife Trust gets ready to trundl
This month we were featured in the Sussex Wildlife Trust blog, following a lovely day out trundling.
By Emma Chaplin
On a bright and beautiful spring morning, it was lovely to greet Hilary Mines and Tess Caven at Woods Mill Nature Reserve. They are co-founders of a new membership app, trundl, designed to encourage more people to go out walking in the fresh air, whilst raising money for charity.
I joined a group of people already using the app (‘trundlrs’) and we headed off for a walk around the reserve, which offered the opportunity to both enjoy the wildlife as well as learning about what the app does.
“Every time you press ‘Go trundling’ on the app, you’ll join a virtual community of walkers and help trundl donate to its chosen charities,” says Tess. One of these charities is Sussex Wildlife Trust.
‘Being non-competitive, the app makes it fun and rewarding to raise funds for good causes by trundling outdoors. No matter how far or how fast you go, the app allows you to track, record and share your trundls and in return receive cheerful badge recognition for your efforts and inviting offers from relevant brand partners.’
It is designed for walkers of all ages and abilities, from those who walk short distances to regular hikers. As we walked around the nature reserve, we enjoyed listening to the amazing range of birdsong at Woods Mill, including the squawking of Sedge Warblers. At one point, as we entered the gate into Little Meadow, we noticed that we were being closely followed by the ‘scar-faced’ Robin, above. Later on we also saw one of the Woods Mill Mute Swans sitting on its nest on the lake.
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