Charity Walking App

trundl’s origins

Hil Mines first imagined building a community of people who wanted to get active in support of charity 15 years ago.

She strongly believes that it’s not how far or how fast you go.  For those that can’t be or don’t want to be motivated by being “first over the line”, it’s the sense of achievement that matters.

read our founders story
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Our mission

To be the motivation people need to lead active, purposeful and sustainably-led lives.

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meet our fabulous team

There are many brilliant and creative brains behind trundl, here are the stories of the founding duo

Trundl founder Hil

Hil Mines


I absolutely love business and all that it entails.
If you meet me, however, you’d soon know that there’s a bit more to me than being a successful business woman. I’m not one to retire on my laurels. Hence trundl.
I want to leave a legacy. “The idea is not to live forever, but to create something that does” is my ambition. But, although that all sounds really serious, I am a positive person and never happier than when I’m out walking, however far that may be. Rarely without a smile on my face, I have a genuine drive to be a force for good.

My own journey from being active and taking good health for granted to developing “dicky hips” as I call them, in my late 40’s, has really shaped trundl’s scope and purpose. Our aim is to be useful for all ages and for all abilities, sporty or not. As I often say:
“It’s not about how far or how fast you go with trundl. It’s more that you can be proud of yourself for going out walking to help others as well as yourself. I don’t mind if you do 50 steps or 50kms. Everyone, as a collective, pulls together and we do amazing things together for great UK causes”

Tess Caven is co founder of walking for charity app trundl


Strategy & Marketing

I was lucky to spend much of my career working overseas in marketing with some of the biggest global brands. Wherever I was in the world though, I also always volunteered for causes relating to conservation or autism. So, when I returned to the UK, I was keen to continue adding this purpose and positivity to my work.

Meeting Hil and helping explore her vision of a business that married exercise and charity fundraising was therefore so fortuitous. Four years on and trundl has become so much more than we even dared to dream back then. Starting with a simple charity walking app for individuals, we’re now inspiring whole companies to get more active. From 1 or 2 charities at the beginning, we’re now donating to over 7 UK charities across the year. We couldn’t be prouder of what our membership have achieved and cant wait to see the difference we can make together in the years to come.

trundl - the app that
gives as you go!

Join a powerful charity walking initiative without having to raise the funds yourself.

download trundl
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